西田聖剛,江口 晋,曽山明彦,日高匡章,高槻光寿,高橋正浩, Andreas G Tzakis,兼松隆之:マイアミ大学でのHIV陽性患者に対する肝移植.日本エイズ学会雑誌.The Journal of AIDS Research.13(3): 111-117, 2011
島元裕一,菰方輝夫,海江田衛,福枝幹雄,井本 浩:手術に一工夫を施した慢性膵炎の2例.手術. 65(5): 637-640, 2011
北薗 巌,石部良平,槐島健太郎,三木徹生:急性虫垂炎に対する保存的治療の適応決定に関する因子の検討.外科.72(13): 1544-1546, 2010
伊藤欣司,門野 潤,大迫政彦,石崎直樹,田畑峯雄,井本 浩:穿孔した慢性胃軸捻転の1例.日本腹部救急医学会雑誌.31(6):927-930, 2011
上田英昭,門野 潤,石崎直樹,大迫政彦,田畑峯雄,井本 浩:オクトレオチド投与が難治性乳靡腹水に著効をみた2例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌.72(8): 2139-2142,2011
Levi DM, Nishida S: Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma: lessons learned and future directions. Clin Liver Dis.2011 Nov; 15(4): 717-25.
Asaoka T, Sotolongo B, Island ER, Tryphonopoulos P, Selvaggi G, Moon J, Tekin A, Amador A, Levi DM, Garcia J, Smith L, Nishida S, Weppler D, Tzakis AG, Ruiz P; MicroRNA Signature of Intestinal Acute Cellular Rejection in Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Mucosal Biopsies. Am J Transplant. 2011 Oct 25.
Fukazawa K, Nishida S, Aguina L, Pretto E Jr: Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) associated with tacrolimus (FK506) after liver transplantation. Ann Transplant, 2011 Sep 30; 16(3): 139-42.
Maganty K, Ghanta R, Bejarano P Weppler D, Tekin A, Moon J, Nishida S, Tzakis A, Martin R: Liver transplantation for hepatopulmonary syndrome due to noncirrhotic portal hypertension. Transplant Proc. 2011 Sep; 43(7): 2814-6.
Tryphonopoulos P, Weppler D, Morris MI, Russo C, Nishida S, Levi DM, Moon J, Tekin A, Selvaggi G, Island E, Arosemena L, Ruiz P, Tzakis AG.: The effect of donor-recipient cytomegalovirus serology on adult liver transplantation: a single center experience. Transplantation. 2011 Nov 15; 92 (9): 1051-7.
Tsai HL, Island ER, Chang JW, Gonzalez-Pinto I, Tryphonopoulos P, Nishida S, Selvaggi G, Tekin A, Moon J, Levi D, Woodle ES, Ruiz P, Weppler D, Lee OK, Tzakis AG: Association between donor-specific antibodies and acute rejection and resolution in small bowel and multivisceral transplantation. Transplantation. 2011 Sep 27; 92 (6):709-15.
Nesher E, Island E, Tryphonopoulos P, Moon J, Nishida S, Selvaggi G, Tekin A, Levi DM, Tzakis A: Split liver transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2011 Jun; 43(5): 1736-41.
Asaoka T, Island ER, Tryphonopoulos P, Selvaggi G, Moon J, Tekin A, Amador A, Levi DM, Garcia J, Smith L, Nishida S, Weppler D, Tzakis AG, Ruiz P: Characteristic immune, apoptosis and inflammatory gene profiles associated with intestinal acute cellular rejection in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded mucosal biopsies. Transpl Int. 2011 Jul; 24(7): 697-707.
Tryphonopoulos P, Ruiz P, Weppler D, Nishida S, Levi DM, Moon J, Tekin A, Velez M, Neuman DR, Island E, Selvaggi G, Tzakis AG.: Long-term follow-up of 23 operational tolerant liver transplant recipients. Transplantation. 2010 Dec 27; 90(12): 1556-61.
Wu G, Seivaggi G, Nishida S, Moon J, Island E, Ruiz R Tzakis AG: Graft-versus- host disease after intestinal and multivisceral transplantation. Transplantation. 2011 Jan 27; 91(2): 219-24.
Fukazawa K, Nishida S, Volsky A, Tzakis AG, Pretto EA Jr: Body surface area index predicts outcome in orthotopic liver transplantation. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2011 Mar; 18(2): 216-25.
Sageshima J, Ciancio G, Chen L, Selvaggi G, Nishida S, Akpinar E, Nesher E, Romano A, Misawa R, Burke GW 3rd: Combined pancreas and en bloc kidney transplantation using a bladder patch technique from very small pediatric donors. Am J Transplant. 2010 Sep; 10(9): 2168-72.
Ruiz P, Carreno M, Weppler D, Gomez C, Island E, Selvaggi G, Nishida S, Moon J, Levi D, Tekin A, Tryphonopoulos P, Tzakis AG.: Immediate antibody-mediated (hyperacute) rejection in smal1-bowel transplantation and relationship to cross-match status and donor-specific C4d-binding antibodies: case report. Transplant Proc.2010 Jan-Feb; 42(1):95-9.
Ruiz P, Tryphonopoulos P, Island E, Selvaggi G, Nishida S, Moon J, Berlanga A, Defranc T, Levi D, Tekin A, Tzakis AG.: Citrulline evaluation in bowel transplantation. Transplant Proc.2010 Jan-Feb; 42(1): 54-6.
Ruiz P, Takahashi H, Delacruz V, Island E, Selvaggi G, Nishida S, Moon J, Smith L, Asaoka T, Levi D, Tekin A, Tzakis AG: International grading scheme for acute cellular rejection in small-bowel transplantation: single-center experience. Transplant Proc. 2010 Jan-Feb; 42(1): 47-53.
Middleton SJ, Nishida S, Tzakis A, Woodward JM, Duncan S, Watson CJ, Wiles A, Sivaprakasam R, Butler AJ, Gabe SM, Jamieson NV: Cambridge-Miami score for intestinal transplantation preoperative risk assessment: initial development and validation.Transplant Proc.2010 Jan-Feb; 42(1): 19-21.
菰方輝夫,福枝幹雄,島元裕一,本高浩徐,北薗 巌,吉川弘太,上野哲哉,井畔能文,井本 浩,坂田隆造:右心房内腫瘍栓を伴った進行肝細胞癌に対する外科治療-腫瘍栓の進展からみた人工心肺の選択と流出路心膜パッチ形成の有用性一第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会ビデオフォーラム.平成23年5月(東京).誌上発表
Teruo Komokata, Yuichi Shimamoto, Iwao Kitazono, Kota Yoshikawa, Syunsuke Motoi, Yutaka Imoto: Prognostic factors after pancreaticoduodenectomy in periampullary adenocarcinoma -Nodal metastasis more Influencing prognostic factor than cancer localization-, 3rd Biennial Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary Association Congress 2011, September 2011(Melbourne,Australia).
門野 潤,石崎直樹,大迫政彦,田畑峯雄:術後肝梗塞の検討.第23回日本肝胆膵外科学会・学術集会.平成23年6月(東京)
門野 潤,田畑峯雄,大迫政彦,石崎直樹,中薗俊博,基 俊介,井上真岐:大腸癌イレウス治療の検討.第47回日本腹部救急医学会.平成23年8月(福岡)
馬場信一,相良安昭,相良吉昭,玉田修吾,四元大輔,松方絢美,松山義人,雷哲明,安藤充嶽,相良吉厚,大井恭代,久木田妙子,皆倉愛美(博愛会相良病院 乳腺科,同病理診断科):当院での乳癌センチネルリンパ節生検におけるOSNA法の検討.第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会.平成23年5月(東京)
馬場信一,大井恭代,相良安昭,相良吉昭,玉田修吾,松方絢美,四元大輔,松山義人,雷哲明,安藤充嶽,久木田妙子,佐々木道郎,土持進作,相良吉厚(博愛会相良病院 乳腺科,博愛会相良病院 病理診断科,博愛会さがらパース通りクリニック 放射線科):化生癌の臨床病理学的検討.第19回日本乳癌学会学術総会.平成23年9月(仙台)
大山宗士,澤田晃暢,池田 紫,内田諭子,田中 歩,重永礼奈,三輪教子,鈴木研也,森 美樹,榎戸克年,中村清吾,廣瀬正典,伊達由子:ER陽性より乳腺原発が疑われた原発不明癌腋窩リンパ節転移3例の報告.第19回日本乳癌学会総会.平成23年9月(仙台)
四元大輔,相良安昭,玉田修吾,相良吉厚,安藤充嶽,雷 哲明,松山義人,相良吉昭,馬場信一,松方絢美,大井恭代(博愛会相良病院, 乳腺科, 病理診断科):当院におけるセンチネルリンパ節生検偽陰性症例の検討.第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会.平成23年5月(東京)
四元大輔,相良安昭,大井恭代,相良吉昭,雷哲明,玉田修吾,安藤充嶽,松山義人,馬場信一,松方絢美,相良吉厚(特別医療法人 博愛会相良病院 乳腺科,病理診断科):乳癌術前化学療法(NAC)における病理学的完全奏効の予測因子及びNAC後Ki67高発現の検討.第19回日本乳癌学会学術総会.平成23年9月(仙台)
H Oyama, K Enokido, R Shigenaga, N Miwa, K Suzuki, M Mori, T Sawada, S Nakamura: Ultrasound-guided axillary fine needle aspiration cytology is useful for making treatment decisions of primary breast cancer patients. International surgical week YOKOHAMA. Sep. 2011(YOKOHAMA)
北薗 巌,堀之内道子,東美智代,清水 健,米澤 傑:膵IPMNにおけるMUC4発現について.第100回日本病理学会総会.平成23年4月(横浜)
北薗 巌,菰方輝夫,島元裕一,本高浩徐,吉川弘太,川村秀尚,井本 浩,大迫政彦,門野 潤,石崎直樹,田畑峯雄:リンパ節転移を伴う膵IPMC切除例の臨床病理学的検討.第48回九州外科学会.平成23年5月(宮崎)
北薗 巌,菰方輝夫,福枝幹雄,島元裕一,本高浩徐,吉川弘太,川村秀尚,井本 浩,大迫政彦,門野 潤,石崎直樹,田畑峯雄:国際ガイドラインに沿った分枝型IPMNの手術適応についての検討.第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会.平成23年5月(東京)
北薗 巌,菰方輝夫,島元裕一,本高浩徐,吉川弘太,川村秀尚,井本 浩:肝臓および下大静脈浸潤を伴う腎・副腎皮質癌に対する肝臓外科テクニックを応用した外科治療.第23回日本肝胆膵外科学会.平成23年6月(東京)
北薗 巌,菰方輝夫,福枝幹雄,島元裕一,本高浩徐,吉川弘太,川村秀尚,井本 浩,大迫政彦,門野 潤,石崎直樹,田畑峯雄:同時性・異時性他臓器癌を合併したIPMN切除症例の検討.第38回日本膵切研究会.平成23年8月(久留米)
Iwao Kitazono, Teruo Komokata, Yuichi Shimamoto, Hiroyuki Motodaka, Kouta Yoshikawa, Hidetaka Kawamura, Imoto Yutaka, Masahiko Osako, Jun Kadono, Naoki Ishizaki, Mineo Tabata: Predictive factor of Lymph Node Metastasis in Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas: AP-HPBA2011September-27 Melbourne, Australia.
吉川弘太,菰方輝夫,川村秀尚,北薗 巌,本高浩徐,島元裕一,井本 浩:3D画像解析システムSYNAPSE VINCENTに基づいた肝亜区域切除の2例.第23回日本肝胆膵外科学会.平成23年6月(東京)
川野純子,津川浩一郎,吉田谷芙美,松田直子,北野敦子,尹 玲花,梶浦由香,吉田 敦,中野絵里子,矢形 寛,角田博子,関口建次,鈴木高祐,山内英子:外来センチネルリンパ節生検-術前化学療法後の腋窩郭清省略は可能か一.第19回日本乳癌学会学術総会.平成23年9月(仙台)
基 俊介,田畑峯雄,大迫政彦,石崎直樹,門野 潤,川井田啓介:宗教上の理由による輸血拒否患者の手術についての検討.第72回日本臨床外科学会総会.平成22年11月(横浜)
基 俊介,門野 潤,田畑峯雄,石崎直樹,大迫政彦,實 操二,狩集弘太,中薗俊博,川井田啓介,井上真岐,清水 健,高城千彰:4回の摘出術で5年生存した悪性後腹膜腫瘍の1例.第48回九州外科学会.平成23年5月(宮崎)
基 俊介,田畑峯雄,石崎直樹,大迫政彦,門野 潤:胆嚢管癌3例の検討.第23回日本肝胆膵外科学会.平成23年6月(東京)
井上真岐,上田英昭,川井田啓介,基 俊介,中薗俊博,狩集弘太,実 操二,門野潤,大迫政彦,石崎直樹,田畑峯雄:術後4年目にメッシュ摘出を要した鼡径ヘルニアの1例.第48回九州外科学会.平成23年5月(宮崎)
井上真岐,門野 潤,田畑峯雄:消化管穿孔を伴わない腹腔内遊離ガスの2症例.第47回日本腹部救急医学会.平成23年8月(福岡)
川井田啓介,門野 潤,上田英昭,大迫政彦,石崎直樹,基 俊介,田畑峯雄: Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor(G-CSF)産生上行結腸癌の一例.第72回日本臨床外科学会総会.平成22年11月(横浜)
Tadafumi Asaoka, Eddie R. Island, Panagiotis Tryphonopoulos, Gennaro Selvaggi, Jang Moon, Akin Tekin, David M. Levi, Leslie Smith, Seigo Nishida, Andreas G. Tzakis, Phillip Ruiz: microRNA Signature of Intestinal Acute Cellular Rejection in Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Mucosal Biopsies. American Transplant Congress 2011, Philadelphia. May 2011
Panagiotis Tryphonopoulos, Victor R Andreev, Phillip Ruiz, Nick Tsinoremas, Bonnie Blomberg, Debbie Weppler, Danielle-Rachel Neuman, Alex Volsky, Seigo Nishida, Jang Moon, Akin Tekin, Gennaro Selvaggi, Eddie Island, David M. Levi, Andreas G. Tzakis: Down Regulation of Translation in Peripheral Blood GeneExpression Analysis in Intestinal Transplantation. American Transplant Congress 2011, Philadelphia, May 2011
Tomoaki Kato, Eddie Island, Gennaro Selvaggi, Steven Lobritto, David Levi, Seigo Nishida, Rodrigo Sandoval, Phillip Ruiz, Jean Emond, Andreas Tzakis: Long Term Outcomes of Auxiliary Partial Orthotopic Liver Transplantation for Fulminant Hepatic Failure. American Transplant Congress 2011, Philadelphia.May 2011
David M, Levi, Jang I. Moon, Seigo Nishida, Gennaro Selvaggi, Akin Tekin, Monica T. Garcia, Beatrice Madrazo, Govindarajan Narayanan, Lynn Feun, Paul Martin, Andreas G Tzakis: Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Liver Transplantation in the MELD Era. American Transplant Congress 2011, Philadeiphia. May 2011
Phillip Ruizl, Tadafumi Asaokal, Panagiotis Tryphonopoulosl, Deborah Coval, Akin Tekinl, Debbie Wepplerl, Jennifer Garcia2, Seigo Nishidal, Leslie Smith3, Jang Moonl, Andreas Tzakisl: Intestinal acute cellular rejection is associated with distinct microrna (mirna) alterations in T cells and macrophages that are related to inflammatory/immune genes involved in the alloimmune response. xll International Small bowel Transplant Symposium Washington DC. Sep 2011
Antonio Romanol, Panagiotis Tryphonopoulosl, Tsai Hsinlinl,2, Phillip Ruizl, David Levil, Seigo Nishidal, Jang Moonl, Gennaro Selvaggil, Akin Tekin1, Debbie Wepplerl, Andreas G. Tzakisl: (1)Division of transplantation, Miami Transplant Institute / University of Miami Miami, FL, United States; (2) Institute of Clinical Medicine National Yang-Ming University and Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. The significance of a rising donor specific antibody titer in the diagnosis and prognosis of intestinal rejection. xll International Small Bowel transplant Symposium WashingtonDC. Sep 2011
Hsinlin Tsail,2, Andreas G. Tzakis2, Eddie Island2, Ignacio Gonzalez-Pinto2,3, Panagiotis Tryphonopoulos2, Seigo Nishida2, Jang Moon2, Jeiwen Changl,2, David Levi2, Debbie Weppler2, Phillip Ruiz2, Gennaro Selvaggi2, Akin Takin2, Oscar Kuang-Sheng Leel, E. Steve Woodle4, (1)Taipei Veterans general Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; (2)Department of Surgery, Division of transplantation, Leonard M, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, United States; (3)Department of Surgery, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Austuria, Spain; (4)Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, United States. The association between donor specific antibodies and acute rejection and resolution in small bowel and multivisceral transplantation. xll International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium Washington DC. Sep 2011
Taizo Hibil, Seigo Nishidal, Jennifer Garcia2, Panagiotis Tryphonopoulosl, Akin Tekinl, Gennaro Selvaggil, Jang Moonl, David Levil, Debbie Wepplerl, Phillip Ruiz3, Andreas Tzakisl. (1)Department of Surgery Division of Transplantation; (2)Department of Pediatrics; (3)Department of Pathology; University of Miami Miller School of Medicine/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL, United States. Serum Citrulline level is a potent surrogate indicator for moderate and severe acute rejection in the long term after intestinal transplantation in pediatric patients. xll International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium Washington DC. Sep 2011
David Levi, Gennaro Selvaggi, Seigo Nishida, Akin Tekin, Phillip Ruiz, Andreas Tzakis. Miami Transplant Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, United States. The use of donor fascia as a biologoical mesh in intestinal transplantation. xll International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium Washington DC Sep. 2011
Koichiro Uchida, Seigo Nishida, David Levi, Jang Moon, Gennero Selvaggi, Akin Tekin, Taizo Hibi, Leandro Mosna, Ji fan, Zeki Acun, Antonio Romano, Phillip Ruiz, Andreas Tzakis: Department of Liver and gI Transplant Surgery, Miami transplant Institute/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL, United States. Current status of long term survivors after intestinal and multivisceral transplantation in adult. xII International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium Washington DC. Sep 2011
Francisco Hernandezl, Akin Tekin2, Jennifer Garcia2, Tomoaki Kato2,Leandro Mosna2, Taizo Hibi2, Gennaro Selvaggi2, Jang I. Mong2, Seigo Nishida2, Andreas G. Tzakis2: (1)Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain; (2) Transplant Institute, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, United States. Retransplantation Preserving Part of the Original Multivisceral Graft in children. xll International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium Washington DC. Sep 2011
Akin Tekin, Taizo Hibi, Panagiotis Tryphonopoulos, Deborah Weppler, Jennifer Garcia, David Levi, Jang Moon, Seigo Nishida, Gennaro Selvaggi, Phillip Ruiz, Andreas Tzakis: University of Miami, Miami, FL, United States. Portal versus systemic drainage in intestinal transplantation. xII International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium Washington DC. Sep 2011
Ji Fan, Akin Tekin, Seigo Nishida, Jang Moon, Gennaro Selvaggi, David Levi, Phillip Ruiz, Andreas Tzakis: University of Miami, Miami, FL, United States. Arterial Embolization for Graft Enterectomy in Intestinal and Multivisceral Transplantation. xll International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium Washington DC. Sep 2011
Masahiro Ohiral, Seigo Nishidal, Akin Tekinl, Gennaro Selvaggil, David Levil, Panagiotis Tryphonopoulosl, Phillip Ruizl, Camillo Ricordil, Kohei Ishiyama2, Hideki Ohdan2, Andreas G Tzakisl: (1)University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, United States; (2)Hiroshima University Hiroshima, Japan. Phase I study; Adoptive transfer of IL-2 stimulated natural killer cells extracted from cadaveric donor liver graft effectively mounts an antitumor response in liver transplant recipients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Joint Congress of Cell transplant Society and International Xenotransplantation Association 2011.Miami Beach , Florida, USA, October 2011.
Ohira Masahiro, Seigo Nishida, Aisha Khan, Panagiotis Tryphonopoulos1, Phillip Ruiz1, Camillo Ricordi1, Kohei Ishiyama2, Hideki Ohdan2, Andreas G.Tzakisl: Clinical immunotherapy using liver NK cells for preventing recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in cadaveric donor liver transplantation. AST AnnuaI Scientific Exchange December 1-4, 2011 Marriott San Antonio Rivercenter San Antonio, TX, USA
Ignacio M Gonzalez-Pinto, Amandine Devernoix de Bonnefon, David Levi, Seigo Nishida, Akin Tekin, Gennaro Selvaggi, Jang Moon, Eddie Island, Andreas G, Tzakis: Ex-Vivo Resection of Liver Tumors with Replacement of Retrohepatic Vena Cava. 2011 Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA, & LICAGE Valencia Congress Centre Valencia, Spain
Kyota Fukazawa, Seigo Nishida, Ernesto A.Pretto: Flushing of the Liver Graft with Portal Blood during Liver Transplantation Results in Worse Outcome Compared to Crystalloid. Oral Abstract Session: Anesthesiology / Critical Care Medicine. 2011 Joint International Congress of ILTS,ELITA, & LICAGE Valencia Congress Centre Valencia, Spain
Ignacio M. Gonzalez-Pinto, Francisco Martinez, Carlos Zumarraga, Panagiotis Tryphnopoulos, Seigo Nishida, David Levi, Eddie Island, Akin Tekin, Genaro Selvaggi, Jang Moon, Andreas G Tzakis: Survival of Patients with Hepatopulmonary Syndrome after Liver Transplantation, Analysis of 18 Years of UNOS Data. 2011 International Congress of ILTS, ELITA, & LICAGE Valencia Congress Centre Valencia, Spain
大西 峻,吉川弘太,久米村秀,二渡久智,風呂井彰,菰方輝.夫,井本 浩:急性穿孔性虫垂炎で発症した盲腸癌の1例.第96回日本消化器病学会九州支部例会.平成22年11月(沖縄)
本坊健三,九玉輝明,土持雅昭,濵田 聡,石部良平:特発性小腸穿孔が疑われた1例.第70回鹿児島救急医学会.平成23年9月(鹿児島)
門野 潤,石崎直樹,田畑峯雄,南立 亮,池田俊一,上野和人,清水 健:肝外に発育し下大静脈を広範に圧排した巨大肝内胆管癌-切除の工夫について-.第61回鹿児島県臨床外科学会総会.平成23年3月 (鹿児島)
土持雅昭,本坊健三,九玉輝明, 濵田 聡,石部良平:気腫性胆嚢炎の1例.第61回鹿児島臨床外科学会総会医学会.平成23年3月(鹿児島)
島元裕一,菰方輝夫,本高浩徐,北薗 巌,吉川弘太,川村秀尚,基 俊介,井本 浩:肝門部胆管癌の診断で拡大肝左葉切除を行い硬化性胆管炎の病理診断であった1例.第1回鹿児島肝胆膵と内視鏡手術研究会.平成23年4月(鹿児島)
四元大輔,雷 哲明,相良安昭,相良吉昭,相良吉厚(社会医療法人博愛会 相良病院 乳腺外科):乳癌転移性肝腫瘍に対しフルベストラントでlong CRを得られた1例.第31回鹿児島乳癌研究会.平成23年10月(鹿児島)
北薗 巌:膵IPMNにおける臨床病理学的検討-多施設共同研究-.第1回鹿児島肝胆膵と内視鏡手術手技研究会.平成23年4月(鹿児島)
伊藤欣司,中村 登,安田 洋,槐島健太郎,濵田信男,内山典明,末吉和宣: Segmental arterial mediolysis(SAM)の1例.第70回鹿児島救急医学会.平成23年9月(鹿児島)
吉川弘太,菰方輝夫,島元裕一,本高浩徐,北園 巌,基 俊介,井本 浩:原発性肝細胞癌に対する再手術例の検討.鹿児島肝癌研究会.平成23年6月(鹿児島)
吉川弘太,菰方輝夫,島元裕一,本高浩徐,基 俊介,井本 浩:膵仮性嚢胞内出血の1例.第70回鹿児島救急医学会.平成23年9月(鹿児島)
井上真岐,石崎直樹, 狩集弘太,田畑峯雄:非外傷性右横隔膜破裂の1症例.第69回鹿児島救急医学会.平成23年3月(鹿児島)
濵田 聡,石部良平,本坊健三,土持雅昭,九玉輝明,潟山英男,田ノ上史郎,三木徹生:超高齢,非閉塞性腸管虚血症(NOMI)の1例.第69回鹿児島救急医学会.平成23年3月(鹿児島)
門野 潤:第61回鹿児島県臨床外科学会総会(座長).平成23年3月(鹿児島)
門野 潤:第70回鹿児島救急医学会(座長).平成23年9月(鹿児島)
北薗 巌(研究代表者):平成23年度鹿児島県医師会研究助成